[Video] How To Eat a Black and White Cookie: Brett’s Private Moment

March 28 2013

There are times in life when we need to just sit back and enjoy the small moments. Brett, a black and white cookie connoisseur, has been enjoying half moon cookies for 50 years. She recalls making trips to a nearby bakery at the age of five to enjoy these delicious vanilla and chocolate frosted, cake-like cookies to devour during her bus ride home from school. Although, Brett is unable to choose a favorite side, she eats from one half to the other until it’s gone. She likes to think of it as her own private cookie moment. Send your favorite black and white cookie moment to us on Twitter or Facebook!

Enjoy your own private moment with some heart-shaped black and white cookies and receive free shipping on any order!

The Black and White Cookie Company manufactures traditional black and white cookies as well as a large variety of exotic flavor combinations. All black and white cookies are also certified Kosher.